The European Choral Association – Europa Cantat produced a little film to demonstrate in a humorous way which challenges you can encounter when working in an intercultural context. It was produced for STAMP Webinar on Networking and Cooperating within Europe and beyond (go to minute 11:50 to see the film and following explanations). You can watch the little advertising video we made for the Webinar -> here (when clicking on the link you will be taken to youtube).
You will find the just the film we used -> here (when clicking on the link below you will be taken to youtube), and the Powerpoint presentation explaining what the film demonstrates -> here. / As part of the YEMP training weekend and the workshop for trainers, the film was also shown during session on intercultural training. You will find the Powerpoint of this training session -> here
In the sessions on intercultural training we are quoting a book we would like to recommend in this context:
The Culture Map by Erin Meyer: /
You may also find this article inspiring: Intercultural Relations in Arts Management Practice
A useful tool when working as conductor in an intercultural environment is this document with Music words in different languages.