To let music professionals know about what we offer and what kind of training we developed the STAMP partners organised 4 events.
Presentation of Online Course, Nicosia, Cyprus:
The first event took place in the Cyprus University Amphitheatre in April 2017 and gave first an overview of the overall project STAMP. A presentation of the framework of the webinar series followed. Then each leader presented a summary of his/her webinar using audio-visual material, showing the usefulness to the world of European music professionals and beyond. The audience had the chance to ask questions and provide their contact information in order to be informed for the attendance registration. The event was also great to network with music professionals present from Cyprus, Greece and around the region; such as representatives from the Cyprus Association of Private Music Teachers, Cyprus Organisation of Private Music Schools, Cyprus Universities Music Departments; music students, Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation, and other.
PROmote! Presentation of how to increase your Audience, Zagreb, Croatia:
The event took place in September 2017 and was provided to address the significant changes within the digital sphere and what chances this means for the music industry. The event targeted music professionals from Croatia. Not only was a presentation about the digital shift provided but also a panel discussion how music professionals from Armenia, Denmark and Latvia cope with the challenge to attract young audiences. The second part provided a hands-on training looking at specific examples (within new music, classical music and Rock & Pop). The audience was divided into different groups brainstorming on new possible measures and promotional activities to attract new audiences. The outcomes and learned lessons were reflected in the Online Course on “Increasing your audience”.
Have a look on these two days here:
Presentation on the Handbook on Social Inclusion for Disadvantaged Youth, Budapest, Hungary:
Eleonóra Papp, Pető Institute;
Andy Icochea Icochea and Ildikó Morvay, Superar Program;
Mária Flamich (blind) & Rita Hoffmann (partially blind), English teachers and active musicians
Anna Vető; “Soul Filler Program”
Dr. Krisztina Lantos, Snétberger Foundation
Christian Gathe & LarsTingelstad, Dissimilis World, Norway
This event was devoted to the topic “Social Inclusion of Disadvantaged Youth through the Means of Music”. It took place in the afternoon of the 27th November 2018 and was concluded with a networking dinner. Six speakers presented their work and their methods, covering disabilities from intellectual disabilities, to physical and social disadvantages. They presented their everyday work as well as theoretical background. The lectures were exemplified by a concert of an orchestra composed of intellectually disabled people, where the audience was invited to sing along the carer.
The speakers were both Hungarian and international and had an inclusive method of presenting their projects and approaches, e.g. by teaching the audience one song and dance.
The audience left inspired and with new understanding of how to turn disabilities into abilities. Get inspired yourself with this video of one of the presented projects! If you would like to work in similar ways with youngsters train yourself with our handbook!
Presentation on all Project Results, Budapest, Hungary:
On 29th of November 2018 another get-together was hold to examine all trainings developed by the STAMP project. The leading partners presented the developed training offers and answered questions by the participants. The response of the participants (10 national and 23 international) was very positive.
Have a look on everything the STAMP project produced here.