
The project STAMP was created to be an advocate for the benefits of cooperation and networking in the music sector, mainly targeting Central, Eastern and South-East Europe. The project aims to develope exemplary tools for ongoing professional trainings such as workshop models, online learning tools or guidelines for mentors and trainers; these tools are free to use or to develop further.

Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CESEE) are musically rich regions with long-standing music traditions and innovative approaches. Highly qualified musicians and music professionals offer a wide range of musical activities and music organisations in this region are active in a broad range of disciplines.

At the same time, a lack of know-how in effective networking and fruitful international cooperation has often been expressed; even the benefits of networking do not seem to be recognised by all. To fill this gap the European Music Council has launched the STAMP project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

STAMP addresses 5 main themes:


Model of Online course in Entrepreneurship

Intellectual Output 1, Multiplier Event 1

The online course, also referred to as “Intellectual Output 1”, comprising 12 webinar sessions, addresses a variety of topics relevant to music professionals in the 21st century.

Sessions included up to 60 participants. Each webinar was live – participants could ask questions and debated during the webinar. The recorded videos can be found here and on Youtube.

A Multiplier Event (E1) took place in April 2017 in Nicosia, Cyprus, to promote the Webinars.


Training Model for Festival / Event Management

Intellectual Output 2,Learning Activity C1, Learning Activity C2

YEMP (Young Even Management Programme) is an existing training for young managers in the choral world. A group of young managers are selected to attend a major festival a week before it starts for “theoretical” training. They are then placed in different departments of the festival, with responsibility, and do “on the job training”. They have “coaches” who visit and advise them and help them whom they can turn to in case of difficulties/questions.  To the traditional YEMP training of young managers (under the age of 30 years) the STAMP partners added in total 5 persons who joined the young managers from the choral field (this activity is referred to as C2). Additionally there was a training for STAMP partners, not only to implement this training for young managers in their own context but also to develop a model which is free to be used by others. This activity is referred to as C1. YEMP has been adapted for STAMP as a training model for festival and event management, referred to as “Intellectual Output 2”. Additionally a toolbox for event managers was developed with tips, tricks and further links.


Model workshop for Audience Development

Intellectual Output 3, Multiplier Event E4

To address the vast topic of audience development, three main approaches are focused on by the STAMP project:

  • Digital outreach
  • Interacting with young audiences
  • Interdisciplinary Approach – music combined with video

The multiplier event (E4) was provided to address the significant changes within the digital sphere and what chances this means for the music industry. It took place 29th -30th September 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia. Not only was a presentation about the digital shift provided but also a panel discussion how music professionals from Armenia, Denmark and Latvia cope with the challenge to attract young audiences. The second part provided a hands-on training looking at specific examples (within new music, classical music and Rock & Pop). The audience was divided into different groups brainstorming on new possible measures and promotional activities to attract new audiences. The outcomes and learned lessons are reflected in  Output O3.


Training Model for Social Inclusion for Disadvantaged Youth

Intellectual Output 4, Multiplier Event E2

This theme targets the development of a model for music as tool for working with disadvantaged youth. The guidelines provide in-depth preparation for musicians or social workers that would like to learn how to use music effectively. Music making, pedagogy and conceptual frameworks through which to understand the work and intersecting fields (ie. music therapy, applied ethnomusicology, etc.) have been explored with the goal of exchanging best practices and experiences, leading to the creation of a training model for musicians and social workers.

The multiplier event E2 on 27th November 2018 has brought together some experts in the field leading to an inspiring conference on how to turn disabilities into abilities.


Model for Training in Networking and International Cooperation –  O5, C3

Intellectual Output 5, Learning Activity C3

A 5-day course provided training for staff of music organisations to become mentors for colleagues in their region or professional field. This Learning Activity worked as a test run for Output 5. The course focused on developing skills in working with other regions and nations, and improving networking as a tool for increasing a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. The participants of the test run left with a much clearer vision of the outline of their project. Read the full workshop description here.

Now the workshop is available as an online course freely accessible to all. This is referred to as Output 5.



A final multiplier event (E3) took place on 29 November in Budapest, Hungary, to advertise all developed training models.